Our Orthodontic Services

Our Practice Offers A Variety Of Orthodontic Services To Meet Your Individual Needs, Including Your Lifestyle Habits And Desired Outcome

The decision to undergo orthodontic treatment can greatly improve the appearance of your smile, oral health, and self-confidence. Whether your case is moderate or severe, you can rest assured that our orthodontist can provide you with the highest level of care possible to provide you with a smile you will love.

Ortho Emergency

A orthodontic emergency, whether it is experienced by your teeth, gums, brackets, wires, or elsewhere, can have severe ramifications if ignored, especially when effects are permanent or require extensive, expensive treatment in the future. Here are the top orthodontic emergencies you should know about:

Learn more about ortho emergencies.

Metal Braces

Traditional braces use metal wires and brackets to shift teeth into proper alignment. Over the course of your treatment, we regularly perform adjustments at our office. During these visits, we tighten the wires, which cause your teeth to move into the next phase of alignment.

Learn more about metal braces.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are a translucent, tooth-colored alternative to traditional metal braces. They are used to correct the same dental issues as metal braces and clear aligners, which include overbites, underbites, crooked or crowded teeth, crossbites, and mismatched dental midlines.

Learn more about ceramic braces.


A retainer is a customized device intended to hold your teeth in their proper position after orthodontic treatment is complete. The new position of your teeth is not permanent until roughly four to six months have passed with the retainer in place. This is why wearing a retainer is so important.

Learn more about retainers.

Palatal Expanders

Although palatal expanders are mostly used for younger children, teenagers and adults can benefit from them as well. Our orthodontist might suggest a palatal expander if you have overlapping teeth, crowded teeth, crooked teeth, impacted teeth, chewing difficulties, or an overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite.

Learn more about palatal expanders.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most sought-after dental procedures because of the fascination of having a whiter smile. The process involves taking an impression of your teeth to make a custom whitening tray. Simply apply the whitening gel in your custom trays for an average of 30-minutes each day for 5-7-days.

Learn more about teeth whitening.

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